Score Four Materials

Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin

Quick Links: Program Overview PDF* | Lessons | Bilingual Lessons | Resources

Kids plantingICPRB’S Score Four: Students, Schools, Streams, and the Bay Program culminates with Student Stormwater Action Projects to reduce water pollution. But before students turn one shovel of dirt, they conduct a series of investigations of their school’s watershed and campus. Students assess permeability, stormwater dynamics, pollution sources, and soils. Using their findings, they plan and implement a Student Stormwater Action Project. Projects can be conservation landscapes, rain barrels, tree plantings, rain gardens, and more. Best for grades 9-12; can be adapted for middle school.

Use this Score Four Lesson Framework to see how the program aligns with the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) and Maryland Environmental Literacy. See the Score Four Program  overview*.

Score Four Lesson Plans

We recommend using lessons from each of the following categories sequentially. Most lessons involve a presentation and student inquiry or activity. For more information, refer to the Score Four Lesson Framework.

The inquiries can be downloaded individually or as complete sets:
Complete Student Notebook | Combined Teacher and Student Notebook

*PDF Presentations marked with an asterisk (*) have a companion PowerPoint presentation. Please Contact us for the file. 

A. Exploring Your Watershed

20151124_124525-3Students learn about their local waters, pollution sources, and solutions for stormwater pollution.

B. Assessing Your Campus

Students discover how their school campus contributes to stormwater pollution.

C. Planning Your Project

Picking PlantsStudents investigate factors that affect the growth of plants and trees; set goals for their Stormwater Action Project; pick their site; design a project; and start planting.

D. Maintaining Your Project

Students PlantingStudents plan and create a maintenance schedule to ensure the project continues to meet the class goals for years to come.






The Score Four Program is a partnership of the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) and the Elms Environmental Education Center. Significant contribution of lessons and presentations by:

Rebecca Wolf, Watershed Coordinator at ICPRB
Nguyen Le, Education Projects Coordinator at ICPRB
Whitney Ruppard, St. Mary’s Senior Project, St. Mary’s College of Southern Maryland
Hester Burch, Educator at Elms Environmental Education Center and Master Gardener