Improvement in HSPF’s Low-Flow Predictions by Implementation of a Power Law Groundwater Storage-Discharge Relationship
The published report is available on line, and a draft version is available here.
Middle Potomac River Watershed Assessment: Potomac River Sustainable Flow and Water Resources Analysis – Modified
This is the modified, April 2014, version of a report that was originally delivered to the Army Corp of Engineers, Baltimore District in April 2013. The report was modified in April 2014 to accommodate edits requested by USACE headquarters. A large section of the original 2013 report was reorganized into a new Appendix (D), and summary text from several of the original appendices was copied into the report. The overall content of the two reports is essentially the same. The original, 2013 version is available in ICPRB publications. The final, eleven appendices are available for download.
Phase 1 – Evaluation of Travilah Quarry for Water Supply Storage. Final Report
This document may contain some information that may be outdated. Please contact ICPRB for further information.
Development of a Potomac Basin Water Quality Data Inventory
Visit the Water Quality Data Inventory website to get the most up-to-date information.
Potomac River American Shad Monitoring Survey, 2014 Summary Report
Learn more about the role of Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin in the return of the American Shad in the Potomac River by visiting the American Shad Restoration page.