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Upper Potomac Map Set BOGO Sale

Maps fanned out.

We’re offering a BOGO sale on our Upper Potomac Map Sets just in time for the holidays! Buy one set of these high quality, water resistant maps for only $5 and get a second set free.

Click here to learn more about the map sets.

A valuable resource for canoeists, hikers and outdoors enthusiasts, this colorful five-map set is printed on waterproof, tear-proof paper. The maps include information on boating, public access sites, support facilities, camping and fishing sites, and picnic and parking areas. The maps are filled with cultural and historical information, safety tips, and contact information.

Click the PayPal button below to order.

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Thinking Visually with ICPRB’s Interactive Maps

ICPRB staff have been working to create a variety of interactive online maps to better engage both water resources professionals and the general public in basin data and resources.

Click on the image to open the map in a new tab.

Potomac River Basin Atlas

This map features the subbasins (HUC 8), watersheds (HUC10), and subwatersheds (HUC12) of the Potomac River basin. Users can toggle among layers to learn more about the watershed.

Wandering the Watershed

This StoryMap features the About the Basin articles on places of interest throughout the basin. The articles are written for ICPRB’s weekly Riverwatch newsletter during the summer.

Bioregions of the Chesapeake Bay

This map explores the twelve bioregions of the Chesapeake Bay watershed as they relate to stream macroinvertebrates which include insect larvae, snails, and water beetles. It is part of ICPRB’s Chessie BIBI Index for Stream Health project.

Potomac Basin Water Resources Comp Plan

This StoryMap features the wide array projects and products that were completed based on recommendations in the Potomac River Basin Water Resources Comprehensive Plan.

A Deep Dive into Potomac River History

A StoryMap that explores people, organizations, and events that make the Potomac River what it is today and what it will become.

Watershed Group Directory

This map features many of the watershed groups within the basin to encourage engagement and stewardship from the public.

Land Prioritization Story Map

This StoryMap explores the Land Prioritization Mapping Project which  aims to assist land conservation organizations in prioritizing specific parcels of land in the Potomac River basin to obtain the most drinking water quality benefits.

Screenshot of the Land Prioritization Map.

Tracking Environmental Progress

This StoryMap is intended for the 2023 Advisory Committee for the Potomac River Basin Water Resources Comprehensive Plan five-year review process. It showcases maps with data that could be used for metric development to track environmental progress.

Will Runoff Alter your Streamflow?

This map looks at streamflow alteration from impervious cover. We know very small amounts of impervious cover — less than 2% of watershed cover — can impact local streamflow. This site maps the characteristics that make a stream more or less susceptible to flow impacts from impervious cover. These characteristics include watershed area, karst geology, precipitation, soil characteristics, physiographic province, and slope.


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Register for the Nov. 19 Walk in the Woods: Antietam Along the Potomac

Join the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) and the Potomac Valley Audubon Society (PVAS) for an easy, guided hike along the C&O Canal to learn the local flora, fauna and natural and human history of the Potomac River Basin.

The hike will be on November 19, 1:00pm.

Our hike leader, Jim Cummins, retired Aquatic Biologist of ICPRB and current President of PVAS, will walk us through the fascinating human and biological history of the area.

The hike is FREE but registration on Eventbrite is required.

Man stands next to a path in a wooded area with other hikers standing near him.

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Register for the Oct. 29 Walk in the Woods: Let’s be Smart About Winter Salt, Gaithersburg, MD

People hiking in the Frederick Municipal Forest in the fall.

Winter brings cozy sweaters and steaming cups of hot chocolate, but it also brings piles of winter salt that could end up in our rivers and streams. Winter salt harms aquatic life, plants, infrastructure and our drinking water.

Join the Izaak Walton League of America and the City of Gaithersburg on a fun and informative hike to learn more about our addiction to deicing salt and how we can all live on a low winter salt diet.

Expect to walk about 3 miles on easy terrain. Please bring your own water bottle, snacks, and bug spray (if needed).

This event is free but please register on Eventbrite in case of delays or rescheduling due to bad weather.

Izaak Walton League will be providing a Salt Watch kit to anyone interested in getting involved.

Each participant will be required to complete the following form. Copies will be available at the beginning of the hike or click here to bring your own printed, signed copy.

This hike is produced by the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB) in collaboration with the City of Gaithersburg and the Izaak Walton League of America. It is part of ICPRB’s Walk in the Woods series of hikes.

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ICPRB Resolution Commemorating the Clean Water Act

WHEREAS the 1972 Clean Water Act, which aimed to prevent, reduce, and eliminate pollution to achieve fishable and swimmable waters, will mark its 50th anniversary on October 18, 2022;

WHEREAS the Clean Water Act has been central to the important progress we have made as a nation in improving the quality and health of our rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and watersheds;

WHEREAS the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB), formed in 1940 as a regional, basin-based water quality agency, served as a precursor to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and subsequent Clean Water Act;

WHEREAS the ICPRB and its member jurisdictions, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C., have worked closely with the Environmental Protection Agency under provisions of the Clean Water Act to improve basin water quality and increase public knowledge of and engagement in water quality and resources issues. These efforts include cooperative projects aimed at comprehensive water resources planning guidance, source water protection, nutrient reduction, pollution control in point and non-point sources, invasive species control, and other improvements;

WHEREAS these efforts that have improved water quality trends in the Potomac have also benefitted and assisted the federal/state Chesapeake Bay cleanup;

WHEREAS the Association of Clean Water Administrators (ACWA) has asked ICPRB and other governments and organizations to recognize and celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act on October 18, 2022;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Commission recognizes the 50th anniversary of the Clean Water Act and authorizes the Executive Director to communicate such recognition to ACWA and the general public as deemed appropriate.

Approved by ICPRB Commissioners at the August 30, 2022, business meeting

Michael Nardolilli, Executive Director

D. Lee Currey, Chairman